
A blog of our current photography work.

Kathryn and Nick

On Saturday I met Kathryn and Nick for another round of portraits (and some beer) at Harry Caray’s in Oak Brook. They are getting married there and wanted some light hearted and fun photos to use for their invitations. What better way to do this than with a couple of coronas? After they kicked back a bottle each it was so nice out (by nice I mean sunny and 30 degrees instead of snowy and below zero) we went over to Lyman Woods for a few casual portraits in the snow. I can’t tell them with words how excited I am to finally get to photograph their wedding at the end of May. I can’t wait! -Jake

Quinn Family

I met up with the Quinn family last week for some family portraits at Lyman Woods. It ended up being about 60 degrees out which was great since I did photos exactly a year ago at the same location and it was about 30 degrees and everyone was freezing. Anyways, the Quinns were so much fun to photograph and their son was just so excited to be out in the woods and exploring. I had so much fun with them and can’t wait to share all of their photos!

Barrett Family

A couple of weeks ago I met up with the Barrett family at Lyman woods. The morning was a bit chilly but their kids were great sports and I loved that their son had tons of ideas for photos! It turns out that their son and my youngest went to pre-school together. Such a small world! Thank you to the Barrett family for having me take your portraits!!