
A blog of our current photography work.

Melissa and Brian's Engagement Session

You all know how much we love our pets, so we are always excited when people want to include their pooches in their sessions!  Could their little guy, Joey, be any sweeter?  That bow-tie just kills me! Melissa and Brian chose to do their Engagement Session at Lilacia Park, and the flowers couldn't have been more perfect!  We then cruised over to the local DQ, before ending up at their house for a few more shots.

I had so much fun with these two, and we can't wait for their wedding next year!

Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography01Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography02Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography03Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography04Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography05Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography06Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography07Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography08Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography09Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography10Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography11Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography12Engagement Session at Lilacia Park with Pug by Two Birds Photography13


Anish and Jayta's Anniversary Session

How adorable is this couple?  We were so happy to shoot up to Milwaukee a few weeks ago for Anish and Jayta's one year Anniversary Session. Are they not the sweetest?  I love the way they look at each other.

Here are a few of our favorite images from their Session!

Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography01Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography02Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography03Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography04Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography05Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography06Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography07Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography08Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography09Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography10Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography11Milwaukee Anniversary Portraits by Two Birds Photography12

Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary!


Josie's Maternity Portraits

We can't tell you how excited we are to welcome a new baby into the family.  Jake's sister, Josie and her husband Scott are expecting a little one in the very near future!! We were thrilled to do some portraits for Josie around her Chicago neighborhood a few weeks ago, and here are a few of our favorites from her session!

Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy01Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy02Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy03Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy04Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy05Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy06Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy07Josie Maternity Photos Chicago Pregnancy08

We are waiting on pins and needles over here.  Can't wait to meet the little guy!!

-Jake and Jennifer

Julie and Jerome's Post-Wedding Portraits

Although circumstances prevented us from being able to do many portraits of Julie and Jerome on their wedding day, we were absolutely thrilled to be able to do some post-wedding portraits with them a few weeks ago! We started our shoot at the Oriental Theater with our own private little tour -- which we were so excited about!  Julie and Jerome have a love affair with the theater, so this location was absolutely perfect for them.  We couldn't have asked for a prettier, or more fitting location for the two of them.

After the the theater, we made our way over to he Kinzie Street Bridge for a few photos in the blizzard before wrapping things up at the very busy Union Station.

We just love the photos of these two wonderful people, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.

Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography001

Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography002Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography003Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography004Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography005Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography006Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography007Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography008Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography009Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography010Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography011Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography012Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography013Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography014Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography015Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography016Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography017Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography018Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography019Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography020Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography021Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography022Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography023Chicago Engagement Session by Two Birds Photography024Julie and Jerome, you mean the world to us.


Jake and Jennifer

Sirois Family Session in Chicago

The Sirois family has been a long time client of ours!  We love working with them and watching their adorable family grow!  When the whole crew got together a few weeks ago, it was the perfect opportunity to get some photos!  They asked us to come to Chicago to get some portraits, and we were glad to do it! Here are a few of our favorite images of them!