Congratulations to Angela and Jason on their baby-on-the-way! Thanks so much for having take your portraits. I can't wait to show them all to you.
A blog of our current photography work.
Congratulations to Angela and Jason on their baby-on-the-way! Thanks so much for having take your portraits. I can't wait to show them all to you.
I love this maternity session I did the other day for Vin'Keia and her husband Aaron in downtown Chicago. Congats again you guys!! And thank you so much for having me do your portraits.
As many of you know, Jake and I are expecting our second son in August! We are so excited and thrilled to welcome this little boy into our family! Of course, Gray really has no idea what is coming to him. Any time we ask him if Mommy is having a baby, he insists I'm actually having a bus. Well... it feels like it, kid ;) Jake has been diligently taking monthly belly photos to track the baby's (and MY) growth, but the other week we finally found some time to go out on location and get some 'real' portraits done!
My dear, dear friend, Mary LeRoy kindly came over and did my makeup before the shoot! She is amazing, and I felt beautiful! We did all the prep out on our front porch as it rained and poured all around us. As soon as she was done prepping and primping me, the rain cleared and we were left with a gorgeous evening with amazing light.
Here are a few of my favorite images from my session: