
A blog of our current photography work.

The Animals We've Fostered

As many of you know, we usually have a foster animal or two hanging around the office. Fostering is a wonderful and super rewarding way to make a HUGE difference in the lives of homeless animals.  We began fostering in 2007, but took a break when we started having kids.  In 2012, however, we got back into it and in the past year and a half alone we have found homes for 24 kittens, 1 rabbit and 4, going on 5...WAIT, no make that 10+ dogs, because our current pup is expecting puppies!!

These are a few photos of some of the animals we have helped to find homes for -- starting with Millie, our current foster dog:

Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies01Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies03Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies04Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies05Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies06Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies07Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies08Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies09Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies10Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies11Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies12Two Birds Photography Fosters Dogs Kittens Rabbits and Puppies13As it is the beginning of a New Year and many of us have resolved to do something positive with our lives, I would encourage you to think about fostering!  Make a difference!  Save a life!!

Above all, if you're thinking of adding a new pet to your family, please make adoption the only option.

